• Financial Impact Report

          The impact and value of the services provided by Citizens Advice 1066 is quantified using a model adapted and approved by HM Treasury. This estimates that during 2014-15 every £1 invested locally produced the following returns:

          • £2.89 is returned in fiscal benefits savings to the government such as reduction in health service demand, local authority homelessness services and out-of-work benefits for clients and volunteers, plus
          • £11.01 in public benefit through wider economic and social benefits. These include improvements in participation and productivity for clients and volunteers, plus,
          • £11.15 in benefits to individuals. These include income gained through benefits, debts written off and consumer problems resolved.

          This totals over £25 return for every £1 of funding received. The work of Citizens Advice saves money for the government, significantly for local authorities, through helping to prevent evictions and homelessness, the Department for Work and Pensions through helping to maintain people in work rather than on benefits, and the NHS through improving people’s health and well-being. It also benefits society through enabling people to move forward with their lives with greater confidence and able to participate more fully in their local community.

          When totalled for 2014-15, the full value to the local community include £512,037 to government services, public value of £4,491,768 and benefits to individuals of £5,203,929. The Bureau advised 4,309 people in that year and dealt with 5928 issues relating to debts which amounted to £3.6 million.

        • CONTACT US:
          Local ring-back Line: 01424 869352
          Freephone Energy Advice line: 0800 145 6879
          National Advice Line: 0800 144 8848 or
          Search CA online


          Contact us

          If you need to contact us about a problem, you can call our local advice line on 01424 869352.

          Alternatively, you can telephone a national advice line on 0800 144 8848.

          Or you can contact us by email by  

          clicking here.