• Winter Readiness Training

          Training to help frontline workers be better prepared to help households cope with high energy bills and cold weather this winter.

          Who is it for?

          Anyone working or volunteering in a role where they interact with households, especially those who are vulnerable. For example, health workers, emergency services, council officers, community organisations. The training will equip and empower you to:

          • Spot the signs of fuel poverty when talking with clients
          • Help people optimize energy use
          • Help people access extra support from energy companies
          • Help people understand bills and payment options
          • Help people avoid scams
          • Help people use their heating efficiently and stay safe
          • Signpost people to organizations and other agencies to access further support

          What will it cover?

          How to make best use of the heating you have, the risks of portable heaters and open fires, how to keep yourself warm if your home is cold, awareness of fuel poverty, health risks of cold homes, and what help is available to people this winter.

          We will also be highlighting the financial aspects of fuel poverty: how to maximise income through claiming benefits and sources of charitable, local authority and utility company support , dealing with debts, signposting to organisations who can help support applications and digital access to information.

          When is it?

          We have finished running live sessions for winter 2023-24, but you can view a recording here: